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(Digging for our Totty Roots and finding the leaves on our Totty genealogy tree)

  Search the Contents of our Totty Roots Research Group's Web Site, which includes our Research Reports created from our back postings to our TOTTY Roots Mailing List.

Copyright Information and Restrictions:  Our Totty Roots Research Reports have been provided for the free use of those engaged in NON-commercial genealogical research by our Totty Roots Research Group.  Any andALL commercial use is strictly prohibited.Researchers may copy and distribute this work freely, but with the proviso that it may only be copied and circulated in its entirety -- including this notice, as well as all sources, bibliographies and credits. However, permission is NOT Granted to copy ANY Totty Roots Research Files to other electronic locations - whether web pages or list postings.

Sincerely, The Totty Roots Research Group

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Important! Except for special searches, use of lower case only is recommended.

Search Tips - (Xavatoria  Search Engine)

Only words or phrases containing an upper case character will be treated as case sensitive. Example: A search for "totty" will match "Totty", "TOTTY", and "totty", while a search for "TOTTY" matches only its uppercase version; and "Totty" matches only the mixed case version.

To find information about a topic, simply type in a few keywords. The more detailed your query, the more relevant your results.

Note: The option, "Standard" returns the first few lines of each file, including the date. Compact is not of much help at this time until further file formatting has been completed.

Example 1: AND

If you enter: tillman AND gage

Your "hits" (search results) will include all postings which include BOTH the word Tillman AND the word Gage.

Example 2: OR

If you enter: tillman OR gage

Your hits will include messages which include EITHER Tillman OR Gage OR both Tillman and Gage with returns including Tillman AND Gage given preference.

Example 3: NOT

If you enter: NOT tillman AND gage
Your hits will include messages which include the word, Gage, but NOT the word, Tillman.

Example 5: "…" (Quotation Marks)

If you enter the phrase "tillman gage" (enclosed in quotation marks):

Your hits will return only the exact two-word phrase, Tillman Gage.

If you enter the date "17 May 1998" (enclosed in quotation marks):

Your hits will return only the exact date 17 May 1988 (Handy for when you unsubscribe for the weekend, etc.)

Example 6: * (Wild Card)

If you enter tott*

Your hits will return totty, tottye, tottie, tottey, etc.

If you enter *totty*

Your hits will return all of the above examples as well as destotty, latotty, etc.

Advanced Search Capabilities:

Our search engine also comes with some advanced capabilities to help you find exactly what you're looking for. These capabilities are best shown with a few examples:
Translated: require Venus (case sensitive), require pictures, forbid planet, prefer images
First lists "pictures and images of Venus", then "Venus pictures".
Does not list lowercase "venus picture", nor forbidden "picture of planet Venus".
Translated: ignores common words like where, is, and the - requires words containing "frog"
Finds "frog", "frogleg", and "bullfrog".

To suppress the ignore feature, use quotes, as in "Where is the *frog*?"

Note: The asterisk is a powerful search tool, but has some limitations. It cannot span words - that is, the query "powerfu*earch" would not match the first sentence of this paragraph - and it can represent at most four letters or numbers. To avoid overly broad searches, the asterisk can only be used in words or phrases which have at least three alpha-numeric characters. A search for "th*" would be ignored.

Translated: require CGI, require scripting
Finds "CGI Scripting", "CGI scripting", and "scripting of type CGI".
Does not find the lowercase "cgi scripting", nor the abbreviated "CGI script".
Translated: forbid CGI, require scripts
Finds "Perl scripts", "Hollywood scripts", and lowercase "cgi scripts".
Does not find "CGI definitions" nor "CGI scripts".
Translated: prefer CGI, require scripts
Finds "Perl scripts", "CGI scripts", and "CGI Scripts".
Documents with both terms appear higher in the list.
Translated: require the phrase "CGI scripts"
Finds "CGI scripts".
Does not find "CGI Scripts" nor "scripts of type CGI".
Translated: require cgi (case insensitive), require words starting with "script"
Finds "CGI scripts", "cgi scripting", "Cgi scripter".
The asterisk is a wildcard representing any four or fewer characters.


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   ALL Totty Roots Images created by Birdie (Totty) McNutt©
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The Xavatoria Search Engine is Copyright 1997 by Fluid Dynamics.
Visit the Search Page for help files and most recent version.